Visual Art

Visual Art education in AAEM begins in Kindergarten. Schools that integrate arts into their curriculum show improved student performance in Math, English, critical thinking and verbal skills. Arts education can also help with developing skills and ways of working that will benefit you in the future in whatever career you choose.

Elementary Art engages students in hands on creation, exposure, and response to visual art and artistic expression. Aligned with AZ Visual Art Standards, the elementary visual arts program allows our youngest students to become more aware of the role of the arts in the world around them.  During their time in elementary school, our students will develop a foundational understanding of a variety of art forms and techniques, including painting, drawing, printmaking, weaving, 3-dimensional construction, design, ceramics/clay and more. Students are introduced to art history through the study of a variety of artworks and experience different cultures through the study of those cultures’ visual art forms. In elementary art, students begin to build and develop a vital relationship to the arts. Through their experiences, they learn to express their own creativity, communicate in their own, unique way, expand visual perception, and develop skills needed for future success.

Elementary students share their art in shows throughout the school year. Each event features over 1000 pieces of artwork, highlighting outstanding talents in our school.

Overall Aims of Arts Curriculum

The Arts Education curriculum aims to help students:

  • develop creativity, critical thinking and communication skills, and nurture aesthetic sensitivity and cultural awareness;
  • develop arts skills, construct knowledge, and cultivate positive values and attitudes;
  • gain delight, enjoyment and satisfaction through participating in arts activities; and
  • pursue a lifelong interest in the arts.

Art Club
All 5th - 8th grade students are invited to participate in AAEM’s after-school Art Club which focuses on expanding Art Program and art techniques.